Woe is you!! ϵ(´。•᎑•`)っ ✷ (・o・。)


Collective Info

  • Young adult
  • They/them
  • Filipino
  • OSDD-1b system
  • In a closed relationship

Egg White Shell (Egg)

  • Main Creator of this Website
  • Ageslider; Late teen to young adult
  • They/it/she/ot/om/🕳
  • Genderqueer, Gender collector, Aromantic, Questioning

hi!!!! i'm egg :D!! normally i type like this but i wanted to make the site more formal? since this is based off a more serious document dfkljfdslk

atm we are a pretty new system so most of us dont have super distinct hobbies/interests (at the time of writing i have just discovered neocities and am going insane) and if you know tink you generally know what his hobbies are-

so far what i know about myself is that i like lemon demon, chatting with people, being silly, and now html!!

i honestly wish i had some way for people to contact only me and not the others because i wanna get to know people and new things!!

because until recently we have been busy with not much time for hobbies hhhhh,,,

so for now i wanna work on this website and see where it goes :3

i hope you like it!! in the future i intend to get an email exclusively for this site if any of yall want to ask questions??

oki bai!!


  • Host
  • Young adult
  • He/him
  • Genderfluid, Bisexual, Polyamorous

hi this is tink, i generally type like this

i dont really have much i have to say about myself? i enjoy some fashion, walking in nature, and many forms of art

im not out on my main accounts and dont plan to be. this website is mostly just to introduce us to our friends, who know my real names

if you like this website though, thank you, we might add more to it in the future

Sokka Silang

  • System Manager
  • Ageslider; Late teen to young adult
  • He/him
  • Bisexual
  • ATLA fictive

Hey there! I'm Sokka!

If you're asking why I type with full capitalization and (generally) correct grammar, that's because I like to think of my typing as subtitles.

I'm the one who wrote up a lot of the content of this website (which will be coming soon)! We plan to come together to formalize everything but so far, I think I've made pretty good progress-

I'm the system manager because I like to organize things for us- From documents to checklists, you name it!

I am also into academics and research- Recently I have been looking into plurality and system stuff (for obvious reasons) and it's been nice-

Hope you like the website! I'm sure by the time we'll actually be sharing it with people, it will look pretty decent! (This is not a diss at Egg; I am simply writing this on the date of the site's creation)


  • Living Jukebox
  • Ageless
  • They/them
  • Gay
  • Falsettos (2016) fictive/songtive

🎵i'm fal!🎵

🎵i am what tink describes as the musical ghost of falsettos inside his head🎵

🎵i am mostly there to help with emotions, serving as something like a grand conductor of the head🎵

🎵i don't only play falsettos though! i play a variety of songs from musical theatre, usually to serve the mood of the situation🎵

🎵i am also besties with egg! i think this website is very cool and you should support ot in its creation!🎵


  • Does not identify with a role
  • Age slider; Late teen to young adult
  • She/they
  • Bisexual, Transfemme

Good timezone, Im Dahlia!

Gosh I dont have much to say either-

Im one of the newest ones and I mostly am around to talk to certain friends

I would like to get into reading more books though! Read one when I first fronted and it helped me a lot

Btw we are not all saying this website is cool bcuz Egg is telling us to dfklsjs. Its because we want to support our headmate in oms passions and also bcuz its cool to have a website about us!!

Dave Strider

  • Protector
  • Mid teen
  • He/rap/wrap/disc
  • Questioning
  • Homestuck fictive

sup im dave

the others are telling me im not allowed to swear which is kinda sad but oh well

i mostly come around to deal with religious trauma

yeah i bet you didnt expect that from lil ol me

my personal journey at the moment is finding some sweet apple juice. and trying all the other fruity juices out there

also im gonna have to say this cuz the others are scared to-

if you find this and decide to post this on r/FakeDisorderCringe youre an asshole

anyone who comes to this page to laugh at us is an asshole and guess what youre just giving us more views so who wins

strider out


  • Caretaker
  • Young adult
  • She/her
  • Aspec

i'm esther

i honestly don't like the idea of this website too much and i think everyone is oversharing

but that's the internet i guess

i am mostly here to show my support for egg and its endeavors

i hereby give it my support in making this website

goodbye i guess